Friday, June 14, 2013

Today's B L O G ! ! ! ! !

10 Common Mistakes People Make at the Gym

About the Author

 is a Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor in Thousand Oaks, CA and business owner of H.Y.P.E.D. Fitness. Her passion for dance and fitness shine through in her vibrant and enthusiastic teaching style. You can find her on her website at, on FaceBook under H.Y.P.E.D. Fitness, or email her at
Whether you are a religious “gym rat” or the “average Joe,” going to your local gym to work out can either be the best or most daunting part of your day.  If you are a regular at the club, you probably know the unspoken “code” of what you should and shouldn’t do whereas if you are a newer member, or an infrequent one, you may not.  Regardless of how often you attend the gym, here are some common mistakes I see being made at my club on a daily basis and how to avoid them.

1. Not Dressing Appropriately:

I often times see too many members walking on the gym floor lifting weights, using cardio machines, or taking classes with inappropriate footwear and clothing.  Dress in layers to regulate your body temperature and be sure to wear tennis shoes to keep those feet protected. 
2. Arriving To Class Late:
We all have crazy days where we run late in the morning or hit traffic, but arriving to a Group Fitness class late is not only disruptive to the instructor, it is also disrespectful to others that arrived on time and can be dangerous for you.  If you are more than five minutes late and have missed the warm up, skip the class and hit the machines instead.
3. Not Warming Up Or Cooling Down Properly:
Whether you take a class, or exercise on your own, too many people skip the warm up and cool down of their workouts.  These are the two most important things you do when you exercise!  Not properly warming up your body and preparing it for exercise can be dangerous leading to muscle and joint injuries.  The same is reflected in the cool down.  Not appropriately cooling those tissues and your systems down after a hard workout session can do just as much damage to your body.  If you need to bail out of a class early, let the instructor know BEFORE class and take a few extra minutes to cool down on your own outside of the class with proper stretching.  Your body will thank you.
4. Using Equipment Improperly:
Have you ever seen someone work out on a machine and think to yourself that you could do that too, only to find yourself sitting in the seat looking at the picture attached to the machine wondering what the heck you are going to do? My rule is, if you don’t know how to properly use the equipment, ASK FOR HELP!  Grab a Personal Trainer walking the gym floor and ask them to show you how to use the machine.  Can’t find anyone?  Skip that machine until you can get all the information on how to use it to avoid injury upon yourself.
5. Not Respecting Floor Space:
As a Personal Trainer and Group Fit Instructor, I see this time and time again!  Oye!  If you are taking a class and like to be in the front near the instructor, arrive early or politely work your way to the front of the class BEFORE class starts WITHOUT invading the space of others (if there is room).  If you are using the gym floor, doing cardio drills and jumping jacks are not appropriate in the small weight lifting area or in a limited space.  The girl doing crunches on the floor next to you does not want a sneaker sandwich!  Please be mindful of others.  If you cannot safely and effectively do your exercises without invading the personal space of others, move to another area of the gym and do something else until space becomes available.
6. Using Your Cell Phone
An instructor’s pet peeve!  If you are taking a class, please do not speak on your cell phone. It is disruptive not only to the instructor, but also to the members taking the class.  If you are on the gym floor, the same applies!  If you need to make or take a call, remove yourself from the floor.  The guy next to you running on the treadmill does not want to hear about your hot date last night!
7. Not Cleaning Up:
Have you ever gone to use the stationary bike and find yourself about to sit on a sweaty, nasty seat?  I know you have!  We all sweat and that is one of the reasons why we go to the gym.  However, let’s be polite and use the sprays and towels provided by the club to wipe down equipment after our sweat fest so that others do not bask in all our glory while working out.  The same goes for putting things away.  If you are done with the mats, put them back where you found them for the next person.  Like mom said-if you use it, put it away.
8. Disrespecting Class Instructors:
As an Instructor, our job is to make sure that every person in our class has a safe and fun workout.  In class we cannot always please every person with every request as we are appealing to the masses and not doing one-on-one training.  Please be courteous to your instructors and trust that they are running their class a certain way for a reason. Feel free to speak to them after class, as many of us welcome feedback, but not during class.  It is not only disruptive to the instructor, but also to others taking the class.  Bottom line, every instructor has her own style. Find the ones you like and take their classes. Avoid the ones that are not your “cup of tea.”
9. Not Following Club Rules:
There are rules for everything in life.  Your gym has rules for a reason. Please be respectful and follow them. They are for your safety and that of others.
10. Not Voicing Concerns:
If you are not satisfied with what you see happening or not happening at your club, speak to the management team and voice your concerns!  The gym wants to hear your feedback so that they can better serve you.  Voice any concerns you have and also give positive comments on what you are happy with as well.  They don’t know until you tell them!
Going to the gym should be YOUR time to help YOU escape the chaos of your everyday life.  It should not be stressful or frustrating.  Follow my tips and use common sense…I promise you will get more out of your gym experience.  Better yet, grab a buddy and workout together-it makes it all the more fun!  Now, get those sneakers on and go work your way to a healthier, happier you.

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